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Friday, September 9, 2011

8 Luahan rasa seorang penduduk Kuantan berkaitan LYNAS

Lynas – what next?

I AM writing this as a concerned citizen living in Kuantan for the past sixty odd years. My concern is not about my personal safety or health, as I am well into my 80s and the call may come anytime soon rather than later. May I also add that I have no political agenda in this matter and I am not a member of any political party.

My real concern is about the safety and health of generations of our children to come, as well as the expanding population that has to work, live and perhaps die in the vicinity of the proposed plant.

This vicinity includes Kuantan Town, Beserah, Batu Hitam, Jabor, Balok, Sungei Karang, Cherating and other settlements along the coast right up to Kemaman and may be further on into Terengganu. 

Most of these villages are well populated and growing. The proponents of this project and those in authority in the state and federal governments have a solemn duty to ensure the health and safety of the people in these regions for generations to come. 

But I am really concerned that whatever assurance they may give verbally or in writing may not hold good forever. Nobody, except God, can predict natural disasters like volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, tidal waves and floods which may strike at any time. 

I am sure those who built the plants in the Three Mile Island in the United States (1979), Chernobyl (1986), Fukushima (2011), etc had taken utmost precautions to prevent disasters and yet they happened. Thousands of people died in these disasters and thousands more are still suffering the after-effects of these disasters. Do we still want to have a similar situation in this country?

The biggest question is "Why do we want this plant in Gebeng or for that matter anywhere in Malaysia?"

Nak baca lagi? Klik sini di The Sun

Uncle yang bernama M. N. D'Cruz yang sudah menetap selama 60 tahun di Kuantan yang cukup risaukan mengenai kesihatan generasi akan datang. Beliau yang dah berumur lewat 80 tahun telah menyatakan luahan rasa beliau kepada surat khabar The Sun.

3 kejadian terbesar berkaitan Nuklear di dunia
a)Three Mile Island in the United States (1979)

b) Chernobyl (1986)

 c) Fukushima, Jepun (2011)

d) So next???Malaysia ke?

Kerajaan tak fikir ke keselamatan rakyat?

Nak tengok kesan kerana terdedah kepada radiasi nuklear pula?

Nak tengok lagi gambar? klik sini untuk lihat sendiri kesan di Chernobyl (1986).

Kenapa abah sibuk sangat pasal ni? Sebab abah orang Kuantan. Mak dan adik-adik abah ada di Kuantan!


  1. tapi kerajaan kata selamat dan di sokong palk oleh ahli sains...

    isikhhh, mana satu ni ...

    harap2 kebenaran dibongkar...

  2. harap x berlaku kejadian tidak diingini....

  3. mmg kerajaan kata selamat..samalah mcm kt USA, pastu kat Ukraine tu tapi last2 jadi kebocoran selamat ke?

  4. aritu dlm tv beberapa org penduduk dgn yakinnya tampil menyokong usaha kerajaan, tp org yg tgk tahu kot apa yg tersirat :)

  5. tp tv3 pulun duk keluarkan kenyataan dr org beroutoriti kata selamat,,,camne tu....amat berharap integriti dlm negara ini

  6. nauzubillah.. semoga pembinaan logi ini disekat :c

  7. diorang kata selamat pasal diorang x dok Kuantan...cer dok Kuantan..x kecut plak perut diorg tu...


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